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  • We must dispel the stigma associated with shorter tees, specifically:

    • They are not the "ladies' tees".

    • They are gender neutral tee position based on your average driving distances and makes you play the course the way the architect intended. Most of times, playing from a greater distance keep the bunkers and hazard out of reach whilst playing the correct yardages as per your ability gets them back in play and offers the same challenges as intended by the course architect.

  • Golf courses must provide colour coded tees markers (pasted / embedded on cart paths / stakes adjacent to fairways in the absence of built up tees) of appropriate distance for all the golfers who play there. 

  • Golf courses should rate even the more forward tees for both men and women golfers, so anybody can report their score for handicapping.

  • Genuine skill bases handicap will start to come into existence.

  • Clubs should be encouraging their members to play their TIF tees.

    • Our PGA instructors, the pro shop, and signage in the clubhouse should urge them to try it.

    • Some of the events and competitions should "level the field" using tee choices instead of handicaps.

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